Tray packages

With the wrap­ping machines for rolls, the pack­ag­ing mate­ri­al is neat­ly applied to the prod­uct and pro­vides the desired prod­uct protection.

Plattenformate - Stretchfolie Wickelmaschine für Plattenformate

Application areas of the roll goods wrapping machines 

Our wrap­ping machines for rolled goods wrap your goods with PE stretch film, recy­cled film, bio film, paper or any oth­er wrap­ping mate­ri­al. The wrap­ping mate­ri­al ensures the dimen­sion­al sta­bil­i­ty of the prod­uct and also pro­vides dirt pro­tec­tion and mois­ture protection. 



Target Groups:

Application examples of our horizontal wrappers for rolled goods

Wrapping machine TVR 3000

The hor­i­zon­tal wrap­ping machine for roll goods wraps the prod­uct with PE stretch film and thus pro­tects it from mois­ture and dirt. The car­pet shown in the video is first wrapped and then rolled to the side by a tilt­ing unit. A weigh­ing device includ­ing a label print­er is inte­grat­ed there. This is a spe­cial machine.

Stretch wrapping machine TVR 1500

This is a wrap­ping machine that was tai­lored to a cus­tomer require­ment. The wrap­ping machine oper­ates ful­ly auto­mat­i­cal­ly and con­sists of infeed and out­feed con­vey­ors, a prod­uct trans­fer by means of grip­per tech­nol­o­gy, a wrap­ping unit and a bypass for outfeed.

Our individual solutions for your industry 

Target applications

Cre­ate opti­mal ship­ping pack­ag­ing for your rolled goods with the wrap­ping machine from wrap­so­lut. The degree of automa­tion of the machine solu­tion depends indi­vid­u­al­ly on your appli­ca­tion. The machine size is based on your largest and small­est products.


As a machine man­u­fac­tur­er we offer you solu­tions accord­ing to your project plan­ning.  If you are inter­est­ed, we look for­ward to hear­ing from you. Either per­son­al­ly or also by inquiry via our con­tact form.


Do you have questions or do you require further information? 

Our employ­ees will be glad to help you any time: +49 5731 860 01–0

Unsere universell einsetzbare standardisierte Kartonagen Wickelmaschinen

Fol­gen­den Broschüren kön­nen Sie Infor­ma­tio­nen über unsere Stan­dard­maschi­nen ent­nehmen. Für Ihren indi­vidu­ellen Ein­satz benötigte Son­der­lö­sun­gen kön­nen wir gerne in einem gemein­samen Gespräch erörtern. Sprechen Sie uns jed­erzeit an.

Now — inquire individual machine and get quote.

Anfrage per E-Mail senden
1. Require­ments for your wrap­ping machine
2. Your con­tact details
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Fährenkämper GmbH & Co. KG · All rights reserved