FEV becomes wrapsolut

The merger of our company Fährenkämper Entwicklungs- und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH with the parent company Fährenkämper GmbH & Co. KG as the acquiring company will be completed upon its entry in the commercial register, taking effect on 01/01/2019.

Fährenkämper Entwicklungs- und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, FEV for short, was founded in 1998. Emerging from a company founded in 1947 - Fährenkämper GmbH & Co. KG - we have taken our many years of experience and know-how originally developed for the floristry industry and put it to use in special purpose machinery construction, expanding it to incorporate further industrial sectors.

This merger will enable us to consolidate our activities and optimise our products and services. In the future, Fährenkämper GmbH & Co. KG will offer horizontal wrapping machines under the new brand name wrapsolut in addition to the FÄCO brand.

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Fährenkämper GmbH & Co. KG · All rights reserved