Long goods

This hor­i­zon­tal stretch wrap­per fix­es your prod­uct and pro­tects the sur­face with stretch film in which the long goods are wrapped or bundled.

Langgut Einwickelmaschine

Areas of application of the wrapping machines for long goods

Our stretch wrap­pers are used to pick, fix and pro­tect your long goods. Based on our many years of know-how, we offer you a need-based wrap­ping machine includ­ing pro­grams to wrap your prod­uct individually.

Whether bun­dled or com­plete­ly wrapped, whether man­u­al, semi-auto­mat­ic or auto­mat­ic, we offer you an effi­cient and eco­nom­i­cal solu­tion for your application. 


Target Groups:


Application examples of our wrapping machine for long goods

Standard wrapping machine CL 010

This man­u­al­ly oper­at­ed Cir­cle-Line wrap­ping machine is uni­ver­sal­ly used for long prod­ucts. The ring size or angle head size is deter­mined from your prod­uct cross-sec­tions. It is a sim­ple basic mod­el where the machine oper­a­tor han­dles the prod­uct and film han­dling independently.

Standard wrapping machine CL 040

It is a man­u­al­ly oper­at­ed Cir­cle-Line wrap­ping machine, which is used for your long goods. The adjustable para­me­ters sim­pli­fy the wrap­ping process. This wrap­ping machine, designed for indus­tri­al use, opti­mizes the effi­cien­cy of your wrap­ping process and can be equipped with options suit­able for the application. 

Standard wrapping machine CL 020

This is a semi-auto­mat­ic oper­at­ing Cir­cle-Line wrap­ping machine, which is used for your long goods. The dif­fer­ent oper­at­ing pro­grams allow the mul­ti­func­tion­al use of this wrap­ping machine. Due to the man­u­al or semi-auto­mat­ic prod­uct pro­cess­ing, you can opti­mal­ly use this wrap­ping machine for your most dif­fer­ent products.

Fully automatic wrapping machine CL 030

It is a ful­ly auto­mat­ic Cir­cle-Line wrap­ping machine, which is used for your long goods. The film wrap­ping machine dis­tin­guish­es in the dif­fer­ent pro­cess­ing pro­grams between wrap­ping, bundling and wrap­ping bun­dles. Sen­sors auto­mat­i­cal­ly detect your prod­uct and start the ful­ly auto­mat­ic wrap­ping process. Even in its stan­dard ver­sion, the machine con­trol allows the wrap­ping machine to be inte­grat­ed into auto­mat­ed lines.

CL 030 as special machine 

This is a ful­ly auto­mat­ic process that was explic­it­ly tai­lored to one cus­tomer. The wrap­ping line works with height-adjustable con­vey­or units to trans­port the prod­ucts to and from the wrap­ping units in a syn­chro­nized man­ner. Two wrap­ping units are used to wrap the prod­ucts. The wrap­ping heads are self-pro­pelled and, in addi­tion to the stretch film, dis­pense a foam edge protection.

Special machine CL 110

The ful­ly auto­mat­ic line wraps the prod­ucts into a com­mis­sion. The con­vey­or sys­tem behind the wrap­ping unit low­ers after the prod­uct has been wrapped and places the prod­uct on a sec­ond con­vey­or unit. This con­veys the prod­ucts cross­wise and buffers them until they are removed.

Special machine with V‑conveyor CL 3C

The spe­cial fea­ture of this wrap­ping machine is the angled con­vey­or unit. This allows the oper­a­tor to pick the prod­ucts. As soon as the oper­a­tor is fin­ished, he starts the ful­ly auto­mat­ic wrap­ping process by push­ing a button.

Special machine with foil curtain CL 3C

This wrap­ping machine is a ful­ly auto­mat­ic process. It is equipped with a non­wo­ven cur­tain sys­tem. In the infeed area, the prod­uct con­tours are mea­sured and the required fleece width is select­ed as a result. The prod­uct to be wrapped is con­veyed through the cur­tain and the wrap­ping machine fix­es the non­wo­ven to the prod­uct and stretch­es it. In order to achieve max­i­mum through­put, the wrap­ping head is equipped with a dou­ble film roll system.

Our individual solutions for your industry

Target application:

The tar­get appli­ca­tion of the wrap­ping machine for long goods is the fix­ing and pro­tec­tion of prod­ucts. The degree of automa­tion of the machine solu­tion depends indi­vid­u­al­ly on your appli­ca­tion. The wrap­ping ring size is based on the size of your prod­ucts to be wrapped. This appli­ca­tion offers you insight into the pack­ag­ing vari­ety of long goods such as alu­minum pro­files, stain­less steel tubes, base­boards or sim­i­lar. When pro­cess­ing long goods, suit­able con­vey­or tech­nol­o­gy is rec­om­mend­ed in front of and behind the wrap­ping machine, which we as a pack­ag­ing machine man­u­fac­tur­er nat­u­ral­ly also pro­duce to suit your prod­uct and your area of appli­ca­tion. This also includes machine com­po­nents that safe­ly guide and fix your prod­ucts dur­ing the wrap­ping process.
If your prod­uct dimen­sions are very large, please also refer to the appli­ca­tion area of large pack­ages .
If you did not find your prod­uct in this appli­ca­tion area, please con­tact us. As a man­u­fac­tur­er of pack­ag­ing machines we dis­tin­guish our­selves for cus­tomer-ori­ent­ed project planning.


Do you have questions or do you require further information? 

Our employ­ees will be glad to help you any time: +49 5731 860 01–0

Our universally applicable standardized
stretch wrappers for long goods

The fol­low­ing brochures pro­vide infor­ma­tion on our stan­dard wrap­ping machines. We will be hap­py to dis­cuss any spe­cial solu­tions required for your indi­vid­ual appli­ca­tion in a joint meet­ing. Con­tact us at any time.

Now — inquire individual machine and get quote.

Anfrage per E-Mail senden
1. Require­ments for your wrap­ping machine
2. Your con­tact details
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Fährenkämper GmbH & Co. KG · All rights reserved