Large packages

The wrap­ping machines for large pack­ages from wrap­so­lut are char­ac­ter­ized by fix­ing, pack­ag­ing and pro­tect­ing prod­ucts in large sizes. 

Stretchfolien Wickelmaschinen für Großpakete

Applications of wrapping machines for large packages from wrapsolut

In the appli­ca­tion of pack­ing large pack­ages, the wrap­ping ring diam­e­ter is deter­mined on the basis of the largest pack­age dimen­sions. This refers to machine sizes from a prod­uct diag­o­nal of more than 1600 mm.



Target group:

Application examples of our horizontal wrappers for large packages

Special Wrapping Machine CL 4C

The very large ring diam­e­ter of this hor­i­zon­tal wrap­ping machine ensures the secure fix­ing and pack­ag­ing of large wood­en com­mis­sions. An inte­grat­ed ring height adjust­ment as well as lat­er­al adjust­ment enables the cus­tomer to flex­i­bly pack com­mis­sions of dif­fer­ent sizes as well as sin­gle prod­ucts under con­stant pack­ag­ing quality. 

Special Wrapping Machine CL 2C

This indi­vid­ual cus­tomer solu­tion com­bines the require­ment to first fix the prod­ucts to be packed on a pal­let and then to pack them in an out­er car­ton for safe trans­port. In addi­tion to our stan­dard machines, we also devel­op cus­tomized spe­cial pack­ag­ing machines.

Wrapping Machine Line Stretch One 

The ful­ly auto­mat­ic LineStretch One wrap­ping machine is ide­al not only for wrap­ping coils, tube bun­dles and slit strip, but also for wrap­ping flat, long and wide prod­ucts.  The roll of wrap­ping mate­ri­al is guid­ed on an opti­mal path around the prod­uct cross-sec­tion to be wrapped, thus ensur­ing the best pos­si­ble wrap­ping result.

Our individual solutions for your industry

Target application

With our wrap­ping machines for large pack­ages, we solve the chal­lenge of fix­ing and secure­ly pack­ag­ing large, long, flat and / or wide prod­ucts. Regard­less of whether you want to pack a sin­gle prod­uct or a com­mis­sion, the wrap­ping mate­ri­al cir­cu­lates your prod­ucts on an opti­mal path and thus ensures an ide­al pack­ag­ing result.

In the field of large pack­ages, we are often in the spe­cial machin­ery busi­ness. As a spe­cial machine man­u­fac­tur­er of the wrap­so­lut brand, we know the chal­lenges and can pro­vide you with qual­i­fied advice with­in the frame­work of cus­tomer-ori­ent­ed project plan­ning. Con­tact us with your require­ments and we will be hap­py to make you an indi­vid­ual offer.


Do you have questions or do you require further information? 

Our employ­ees will be glad to help you any time: +49 5731 860 01–0

Our universal large package wrapping machines

The fol­low­ing brochures pro­vide infor­ma­tion on our stan­dard machines. We will be hap­py to dis­cuss any spe­cial solu­tions required for your indi­vid­ual appli­ca­tion in a joint meet­ing. Con­tact us at any time.

Jetzt – individuelle Maschine anfragen und unverbindliches Angebot erhalten.

Anfrage per E-Mail senden
1. Require­ments for your wrap­ping machine
2. Your con­tact details
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Fährenkämper GmbH & Co. KG · All rights reserved