
This hor­i­zon­tal wrap­ping machine for fur­ni­ture allows you to wrap your prod­ucts in dif­fer­ent sizes with stretch film.

Verpackungsmaschine für Zerlegte Ware & Möbelkorpus

Applications of the furniture wrapping machines

We as a pack­ag­ing machine man­u­fac­tur­er offer you with our wrap­ping machines solu­tions to fix and pack their prod­ucts, from the fur­ni­ture indus­try, in dif­fer­ent sizes. Depend­ing on your needs, you can use the dif­fer­ent films such as PE stretch film, recy­cled films or organ­ic films. The num­ber of wraps you put around your fur­ni­ture prod­ucts is spe­cif­ic to the hold­ing force you need. With our wrap­ping machines for fur­ni­ture we offer effi­cient and eco­nom­i­cal solu­tions for your application.



Target Groups:

Examples of use of our horizontal wrappers for furniture

Standard wrapping machine CL040

This stretch wrap­per is a man­u­al­ly oper­at­ed wrap­ping machine. The quick recall bun­dle- wrap­ping pro­gram with adjustable para­me­ters allows you to effi­cient­ly wrap your product.

Wrapping machine for furniture CL 4C

This stretch wrap­per is a ful­ly auto­mat­ic wrap­ping machine that wraps dif­fer­ent sizes of prod­ucts in PE stretch film. Due to the dif­fer­ent dimen­sions of the prod­ucts, they are cen­tered on the con­vey­or sys­tem before the wrap­ping machine. Thus you get an opti­mal wrap­ping result and max­i­mum pro­tec­tion of your products.

Furniture wrapping machine CL 030

This ful­ly auto­mat­ic wrap­ping machine wraps dif­fer­ent sizes of prod­ucts with PE stretch film. The spe­cial fea­ture of this wrap­ping machine is the infeed and out­feed. Self-adjustable con­vey­or tables are used to com­pen­sate for the dif­fer­ent lengths of the prod­ucts. As a man­u­fac­tur­er, we have the knowhow to offer you a wrap­ping machine accord­ing to your needs.

Wrapping machine for furniture CL 120

In this ful­ly auto­mat­ic appli­ca­tion, indi­vid­ual fur­ni­ture parts (dis­man­tled goods) are fixed onto a cor­ru­gat­ed board base.  Dif­fer­ent PE stretch films, also as recy­cled or organ­ic films, can be used as wrap­ping mate­ri­al. This type of machine inde­pen­dent­ly deter­mines the prod­uct dimen­sions and / or the weight and auto­mat­i­cal­ly selects the stored pack­ag­ing recipes from these.

Our individual solutions for your industry

Target application:

The tar­get appli­ca­tion of the wrap­ping machine for fur­ni­ture is the fix­ing and pro­tec­tion of sur­faces and edges of your prod­ucts. The degree of automa­tion of the machine solu­tion depends indi­vid­u­al­ly on your appli­ca­tion. The machine size is based on the size of your prod­ucts to be wrapped. This appli­ca­tion area offers you an insight into the pack­ag­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties for fur­ni­ture and every­thing that goes with it.

If your appli­ca­tion is designed dif­fer­ent­ly, you will find numer­ous oth­er exam­ples on our web­site or sim­ply con­tact us. As a spe­cial machine builder for hor­i­zon­tal wrap­ping machines we devel­op togeth­er with you the opti­mal solu­tion for your pack­ag­ing application


Do you have questions or do you require further information?

Our employ­ees will be glad to help you any time: +49 5731 860 01–0

Now — inquire individual machine and get quote.

Anfrage per E-Mail senden
1. Require­ments for your wrap­ping machine
2. Your con­tact details
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Fährenkämper GmbH & Co. KG · All rights reserved