Wrapping machine for pallets

This wrap­ping machine allows you to fix your prod­ucts on a pal­let or oth­er prod­uct bases of dif­fer­ent sizes.

Palettenwickler, Fixieren & Verpacken

Applications of the pallet wrapping machines

Our pal­let wrap­pers offer the sys­tem solu­tion for fix­ing a wide vari­ety of prod­ucts on sub­strates such as pal­lets. Dif­fer­ent films such as PE stretch films, recy­cled films or organ­ic films can be used for this pur­pose. The num­ber of wrap­pings specif­i­cal­ly address­es the required hold­ing force. With our wrap­ping machines for pal­lets, we offer effi­cient and eco­nom­i­cal solu­tions for your appli­ca­tion. Pal­let wrap­ping machine is also called wrap­ping machine, pal­let wrap­per, stretch machine or pack­ag­ing machine.



Target groups:

Application examples of our pallet wrapping machines

Standard wrapping machine CL 060

With the help of this wrap­ping machine, prod­ucts of var­i­ous types are secure­ly fixed on pal­lets or oth­er bases with stretch films. It is a man­u­al­ly oper­at­ed wrap­ping machine.

Automatic wrapping machine CL 1C

This wrap­ping machine is used to secure­ly fix prod­ucts of var­i­ous types on pal­lets or oth­er bases with stretch films. It is an auto­mat­i­cal­ly mov­ing pal­let wrap­ping machine.

Fully automatic wrapping machine CL 2C 

In this spe­cial appli­ca­tion, the prod­ucts are weighed before the wrap­ping process and the deter­mined weight is used as a para­me­ter for auto­mat­ic selec­tion of the suit­able wrap­ping pro­gram. The spe­cial trans­fer tech­nol­o­gy ensures safe prod­uct trans­fer from the infeed to the out­feed side.

Fully automatic wrapping machine for pallets CL 2C 

A cus­tomized wrap­ping machine for fix­ing prod­ucts on pal­lets includ­ing process-adapt­ed con­vey­or tech­nol­o­gy upstream and down­stream of the wrap­ping unit.

Manual wrapping machine CL 050 

This wrap­ping machine for pal­lets com­bines the stretch wrap­ping process with the use of a suit­able floor con­vey­or (e.g. fork­lift) for your pack­ag­ing process.

Our individual solutions for your industry

Target application

The tar­get appli­ca­tion of the wrap­ping machine for pal­lets is the fix­ing of prod­ucts on a pal­let or oth­er prod­uct base. The degree of automa­tion of the machine solu­tion depends indi­vid­u­al­ly on your appli­ca­tion. The machine size is based on the size of your prod­ucts to be wrapped and there­fore also on the size of the pal­let. This appli­ca­tion area offers you an insight into the pack­ag­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties for motors, gear­box­es, hous­ings or sim­i­lar. If your prod­ucts are much larg­er, please have a look at our machine solu­tion for large pack­ages. Also here we have already devel­oped solu­tions for fix­ing large and or long prod­ucts on pal­lets. As a machine man­u­fac­tur­er we dis­tin­guish our­selves for cus­tomer-ori­ent­ed project planning.


Do you have questions or do you require further information?

Our employ­ees will be glad to help you any time: +49 5731 860 01–0

Our universal standardized pallet wrapping machine

You can find infor­ma­tion about our stan­dard machines in the fol­low­ing brochures. We will be hap­py to dis­cuss any spe­cial solu­tions required for your indi­vid­ual appli­ca­tion in a joint meet­ing. Con­tact us at any time.

Now — Inquire individual machine and get quote.

Anfrage per E-Mail senden
1. Require­ments for your wrap­ping machine
2. Your con­tact details
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Fährenkämper GmbH & Co. KG · All rights reserved